报告人:Sergey Ablameyko 院士

报告链接:Teams Link
Sergey Ablameyko院士(1956年出生,1978年获得数学学位,1984年获得博士学位,1990年获得理学博士学位,1992年获得教授资格)曾任白俄罗斯国家科学院信息学问题联合研究所所长(2002-2008),白俄罗斯国立大学校长(院长)(2008-2017),现为白俄罗斯国立大学教授。Sergey Ablameyko院士发表了650多篇论文,包括25本独著/合著(一本由施普林格(英国)出版,一本由SPIE(美国)出版,一本由Exit(波兰)出版)以及25本参与编辑的专著(两本由IOS出版社在北约科学系列中出版)。在他的学术生涯中,他是意大利、日本、瑞典、芬兰、英国、德国、英国、希腊、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰和中国的访问科学家,曾在世界各地举行的许多(超过100次)国际会议中担任主席/副主席和程序委员会成员。他是《Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis》、《Non-linear Phenomena in Complex Systems》和许多其他国际期刊的编辑委员会成员。Sergey Ablameyko院士的研究领域包括图像分析、模式识别、数字几何、图形识别、基于知识的系统、地理信息系统、医学成像。Sergey Ablameyko院士是IEEE研究员(英国)(1995年),IEEE高级会员(美国)(1995年),国际信息过程和技术学院院士(1995年),白俄罗斯工程院院士(1995年),国际模式识别协会研究员(1998年),白俄罗斯国家科学院院士(2009年),西班牙皇家医学院院士(2009年),欧洲经济和企业管理学院院士(2010年),欧洲院士(2011年)、 白俄罗斯格罗德诺国立大学名誉教授(2012年),俄罗斯航天学院院士(2012年),中国大连理工大学名誉教授(2013年),俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学名誉教授(2014年),越南平阳大学名誉教授(2014年),俄罗斯自然科学院院士(2015年),西班牙皇家经济和金融学院院士(2016年),塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德阿尔法BK大学名誉教授(2016年),也是亚太人工智能协会副主席(中国,从2021年起),曾获白俄罗斯国家奖(国家最高科学奖),俄罗斯联邦友谊奖(2009),中国浙江省友谊奖(2018)和许多其他国家和国际的奖项。
Academic Report Notice of Sergey Ablameyko:Dynamic objects motion analysis in video by using optical flow and neural networks
Speaker: Professor Sergey Ablameyko

Title: Dynamic objects motion analysis in video by using optical flow and neural networks
Time: 14:30-15:30, April 10th, 2023 (Monday)
Website: Teams Link
One of the promising areas of development and implementation of artificial intelligence is the automatic detection and tracking of moving objects in video sequence. In this presentation, we will show analysis of moving objects with application to biomedical images. Stem cells are widely used in regenerative medicine due to their properties of regeneration: differentiation into specialized cells and proliferation through mitosis to produce more stem cells. We developed algorithms by using of integral optical flow and motion maps for identification of main types of cell motions in video-sequences including their directional motion, aggregation and dispersion. We show cell monitoring algorithms that analyze behavior of the cells’ population as a system of dynamical objects by using a concept of the integral optical flow. The presented results are used for monitoring and quantitative analysis of the development of cell cultures, estimating the dynamic changes taking place in them, and determining the population’s heterogeneity and viability. Two more tasks are shown in presentation that use optical flow for dynamic image analysis. A method for determining the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of eye conjunctiva, such as linear and volumetric blood speed, and topological characteristics of vascular net was developed. We show the efficiency of our method in real eye vessels scenes. Second, a method for monitoring dynamic wound changes in video sequence based on integral optical flow will be shown. Dynamic characteristics of wound tissue changing are introduced and calculated. We show the efficiency of our method in real wound scenes.
Personal Introduction:
Sergey Ablameyko (born in 1956, DipMath in 1978, PhD in 1984, DSc in 1990, Prof in 1992). He was a General Director of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2002-2008), Rector (President) of the Belarusian State University (2008-2017) and now he is a Professor of BSU. He has more than 650 publications including 25 authored/co-authored books (one published by Springer (UK), one - by SPIE (USA), one – by Exit (Poland) and 25 edited books (two published by IOS Press in NATO Science Series). In his academic career he was a visiting scientist in Italy, Japan, Sweden, Finland, England, Germany, UK, Greece, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, China. He was a chair/co-chair, member of Program Committees of numerous (more than 100) International conferences held worldwide. He is in Editorial Board of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Non-linear Phenomena in Complex Systems and many other international journals. His scientific interests are: image analysis, pattern recognition, digital geometry, graphics recognition, knowledge based systems, geographical information systems, medical imaging. He is IEEE Fellow (UK) (1995), IEEE Senior Member (USA) (1995), Academician of International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies (1995), Academician of Belarusian Academy of Engineering (1995), Fellow of International Association for Pattern Recognition (1998), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2009), Academician of Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors (2009), Academician of European Academy of Economy and Enterprise Management (2010), Academician of Academia European (2011), Honorary professor of Grodno State University, Belarus (2012), Academician of Russian Space Academy (2012), Honorary professor of Dalian University of Technology, China (2013), Honorary professor of Moscow State University, Russia (2014), Honorary professor of Binh Duong University, Vietnam (2014), Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2015), Academician of Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance (2016), Honorary professor of Belgrade Alfa BK University, Serbia (2016). He is a Vice-President of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (China, from 2021). For his activity he was awarded by State Prize of Belarus (highest national scientific award), Friendship Award of Russian Federation (2009), Friendship Award of Zhejiang Province of China (2018) and many other national and international awards.
[Editor:Jian Wang]