(The fourth order diffusion model for a bi-flux mass transfer)
报 告 人:姜茂盛
时 间:4月28日10:00-11:00
地 点:文理楼254报告厅
姜茂盛,博士,巴西国家科学计算实验室博士后。毕业于里约热内卢联邦大学土木工程专业,师从美国工程院院士、巴西科学院院士Luiz Bevilacqua教授,主要从事反常扩散模型及其在石油工程中的应用相关研究工作。
报告摘要: The discrete approach is employed for diffusion with retention to obtain the fourth order equation, which suggests the introduction of second flux leading to bi-flux theory association with new parameters: fraction β and reactivity coefficient R. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the bi-flux theory though comparing the behavior of concentration and the two fluxes with the classical model mainly by Galerkin finite element method. It is shown that the process may be accelerated or delayed depending on the relation between R and β, for isotropic medium. Depending on the definition of the second flux as function of these parameters and the relation β= β(R), unexpected behavior increasing the concentration just after the introduction of an initial pulse opposing the natural tendency to disperse, can develop on a restricted regains. Reactivity coefficient R considered as an attractor varying in space and time according to a diffusion law is proposed to simulate nutrient box attracting biological particles. Finally two typical cases of non-linear diffusion representing dynamics of chemical reactions are presented. The bi-flux model tends to regularize the solutions.
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