发布人:张锋  发布时间:2017-06-27   浏览次数:67



Mathematical Modeling of Human Trachea Angioedema and its numerical computation

报 告 人:苟 坤

时  间7310:00-11:00

地  点:文理楼254报告厅


The human trachea is our airway by which we breathe air into the lungs. When angioedema (swelling of the soft tissue) occurs in the trachea, the swelling can rapidly narrow the airway, reduce air transportation and thus lead to a life-threatening condition. However, the accurate quantitative relation between swelling and both the airway narrowness and its deformation remains unknown. This present modeling aims at resolving this issue. The airway with multiple parts is treated as a continuum organ, and hyperelastic continuum mechanics is employed in such modeling. First, we consider the airway to be an idealized cylindrical tube, and study a 1-D problem for convenience of mathematical analysis. Then we consider a more practical 3-D airway geometry extracted from realistic biomedical images, where numerical finite element formulation is used to obtain the solution. Airway constriction and the internal stress distribution are tracked as functions of the swelling effect. This modeling provides a sound continuum mechanical foundation that facilitates our understanding of airway swelling for a better treatment of the disease.


苟坤,博士,德州农工大学(金斯维尔)数学系助理教授。2006年毕业于山东大学数学院,获硕士学位;2012年毕业于德州农工大学数学系,获理学博士学位。2013-2015年,在密西根州立大学做助理研究员。主要从事计算数学、计算生物以及数学建模等领域的研究,发表学术论文10余篇。现任国际期刊JSM Mathematics and Statistics编委,并兼任 IMA Journal of Applied MathematicsProceedings A of the Royal Society of London International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringJournal of Elasticity Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics Inverse Problems in Science and EngineeringJournal of Applied Mechanical Engineering等期刊的审稿人。


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