发布人:赵振华  发布时间:2019-11-07   浏览次数:191


报告人:朱怀平教授  加拿大约克大学



报告人简介:朱怀平,加拿大约克大学数学和统计系教授,约克大学应用数学首席教授,并行计算与模拟实验室和疾病建模中心主任。朱教授长期从事动力系统分支理论及其应用、希尔伯特第十六问题、种群生态学与传染病学的数学建模和应用分析研究、气候变化模拟和影响、以及蚊虫疾病的实时预报和防控等研究工作。朱怀平教授在数学及生物数学的国际顶级或高水平期刊上累计发表文章100多篇,是动力系统分支理论和应用领域的著名专家. 2007年曾获安大略省青年科学研究奖。

报告摘要: Tea has been an very important commercial agri-crop in China and many other countries. Tea is also a popular drink. However, the tea production has been greatly damaged by insects and mite pests in the tea garden. In this talk I will introduce some of our preliminary modeling studies of the dynamics of the pest species, including the complex dynamics due to higher co-dimension bifurcations. This research will help to understand the species interaction and develop a better pest control strategy in tea plantation.

