发布人:赵倩  发布时间:2021-04-19   浏览次数:766

  1. 会议地点及报告安排

地    点:黄岛泰成喜来登酒店三楼,凌云 凌月厅


4228:00—8:20 开幕式

主持人:龙桂鲁 教授

 8:20-9:20  骆顺龙 教授

 9:20-10:20 费少明 教授

 10:20-10:40 茶点

主持人:费少明 教授

 10:40-11:40 李波 教授

主持人: 骆顺龙 教授


 15:00—16:00:张林 教授


主持人:闫凤利 教授

 16:20—17:20:胡明亮 教授

 17:20- 18:20:张廷桂 教授


主持人:曹怀信 教授

 8:00-9:00   范桁 教授

 9:00-10:00  郭钰 教授

 10:00-10:20 茶  点

主持人:高亭 教授

10:20-11:20 陶元红教授

  1. 报告题目摘要

1. 范桁,中科院物理所



2. 费少明,首都师范大学


摘要: 我们介绍近期在量子相干性的度量,量子纠缠见证,量子相干性与量子纠缠、真正多体纠缠、量子非局域性及真正多体量子非局域性之间的转换关系,量子信息掩蔽,量子测量,量子张量网络压缩感知及机器学习等相关研究工作。


题目:Recent Progress in Quantum Information Masking

摘要:We study the problem of information masking through nonzero linear operators that distribute information encoded in single qubits to the correlations between two qubits. It is shown that a nonzero linear operator cannot mask any nonzero measure set of qubit states. We prove that the maximal maskable set of states on the Bloch sphere with respect to any masker is the ones on a spherical circle. Any states on a spherical circle on the Bloch sphere are maskable, which also proves the conjecture on maskable qubit states given by Modi et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 230501 (2018)]. we provide explicitly operational unitary maskers for all maskable sets. As applications, different protocols for secret sharing are introduced.


题目:Noncommutativity versus Nonclassicality

摘要:Nonclassical light states are important for both conceptual and practical reasons: they are basic ingredients in testing and exploring quantum foundations, and are crucial resources in quantum technologies. Various useful criteria have been developed to detect nonclassicality in the literature, and several meaningful measures of nonclassicality have been introduced and measured experimentally. In this talk, exploiting the noncommutativity synthesized by a non-Hermitian generalization of the Wigner-Yanase-Dyson skew information and playing with operator ordering in evaluating average photon number, we develop a novel family of criteria for detecting nonclassicality of light based on Lieb’s concavity, which is a deep and powerful result concerning interaction between quantum states and observables. We elucidate the information-theoretic as well as the physical meaning of the criteria, and illustrate their effectiveness in capturing and quantifying nonclassicality of various important light states.


题目:Mathematically proving Bell nonlocality motivated by the GHZ argument

摘要: Bell nonlocality of quantum states is an important resource in quantum information and then has various applications. It is usually detected by the violation of some Bell's inequalities and the all-versus-nothing test. In this talk, we aim to establish some mathematical methods for proving Bell nonlocality without inequalities, inspired by the work [Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 080402 (2002)] regarding the GHZ paradox. For self-containedness, we recall the mathematical definition of Bell nonlocality proposed in [Sci. China-G, 62, 030311 (2019)] and then give some basic properties on it. Then we derive some necessary conditions for a multipartite state to be Bell local and obtain some sufficient conditions for a state to be Bell nonlocal in terms of "expectations" of local observables without invoking Bell inequalities. Unlike the standard approach to nonlocality detection based on violation of Bell inequalities, the obtained  criteria are formulated in terms of certain relations for expectation values of local observables that are constructed from the well-known GHZ paradoxes.





题目: Probability Density Function of Uncertainty, Uncertainty Regions of Observables and State-Independent Uncertainty Relations

摘要:The optimal state-independent lower bounds for the sum of variances or deviations of observables are of significance for the growing number of experiments that reach the uncertainty limited regime.We present a framework for computing the tight uncertainty relations of variance or deviation via determining the uncertainty regions, which are formed by the tuples of two or more of quantum observables in random quantum states induced from the uniform Haar measure on the purified states. From the analytic formulae of these uncertainty regions, we present state-independent uncertainty inequalities satisfied by the sum of variances or deviations of two, three and arbitrary many observables, from which experimentally friend entanglement detection criteria are derived for bipartite and tripartite systems.


题目:Monogamy of Quantum Discord

摘要: We explore all the trade-off relations of multipartite quantum discord proposed very recently in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 110401 (2020)] and show that the multipartite quantum discord is completely monogamous provided that it does not increase under discard of subsystems. Here, a quantity of multipartite quantity, with the same spirit as established in [Phys. Rev. A. 101, 032301 (2020)], is said to be completely monogamous (i) if it does not increase under loss of subsystems and (ii) if some given combination of subsystems reach the total amount of correlation, then all other combination of subsystems that excluding the given subsystems do not contain such a correlation any more. In addition, we explore all the trade-o_ relations for the global quantum discord proposed in [Phys. Rev. A 84, 042109 (2011)] and show that the global quantum discord is not completely monogamous.


题目:Quantum Nonlocality

摘要:We mainly introduce two works on quantum nonlocality, one is the monogamy relationship in the form of multiplication, and the other is the sharing ability of nonlocality under unilateral measurement.Finally, introduce a little bit of nonlocality in quantum networks.


题目:Quantum Coherence, Mutually Unbiased Bases and Decoherence

摘要:Quantum coherence is an important physical resource which depicts the volatility of physical system. Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) based on the optimal measurement is an effective tool in quantum information. As for the study of dynamics of quantum system, decoherence is a topic worthy of attention.

   We first study the properties of quantum coherence under mutually unbiased bases. We present the complementary relations and uncertainty relations of five common coherence measures under MUBs, thus giving a new supplement to this theory. As an application of complementary relations, we give a tighter upper bound of the minimum error probability for distinguishing a set of pure states by using the least square measurement. We then derive the trade-off relations between the coherence measures and different mixedness to illustrate decoherence phenomena in the study of dynamics of quantum system.